History/Business career
Nov.1992 | Founded Accelerator Engineering Corporation for HIMAC Operation & Maintenance (O&M) |
Sep.1993 | Started O&M services allowing HIMAC to gain QST (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology) (formerly National Institute of Radiology Sciences (NIRS)) contracts |
Jul.1995 | Provided supporting services for the treatment planning of CI therapy in QST (former NIRS). |
Oct.1998 | Provided O&M supporting services for proton therapy system in the National Cancer Center Hospital East, gaining a Sumitomo Accelerator Service (SAS) contract |
Jun.2002 | Provided survey research on a dissemination CI system for Gunma University, gaining an Association for Nuclear Technology in Medicine contract |
Mar.2004 | Provided conceptual design of a downsized CI system, gaining a QST (former NIRS) contract |
Nov.2005 | Provided O&M supporting services for the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) in RIKEN, gaining an SAS contract |
Apr.2011 | Provided supporting services for the treatment planning of CI therapy in Gunma University Heavy Ion Center (GHMC) |
Nob.2012 | Provided supporting services of the performance evaluation test for a superconducting magnet, gaining a QST (former NIRS) contract |
Dec.2012 | Provided O&M services in the SAGA Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Tosu (HIMAT) |
Aug.2015 | Provided O&M services in the Ion-beam Radiation Oncology Center in Kanagawa (i-ROCK) |
Dec.2020 | Provided O&M services in East Japan Heavy Ion Center Faculty of Medicine, Yamagata University Provided supporting services for treatment planning in East Japan Heavy Ion Center Faculty of Medicine, Yamagata University |
Apr.2022 | Provided O&M services in Gunma University Heavy Ion Center (GHMC) |